Mandira Bedi - Wooing housewives or Booing housewives?
An article in the MSN India caught my fancy few minutes back.
"Mandira to again woo housewives during champions"!
New Delhi, April 30: Actor Mandira Bedi, who successfully lured housewives into watching the 2003 cricket World Cup, will again do the honours during the Champions Trophy in India October-November.
Check out the whole story at the link:-
Media fools, what are you talking about? Do you really think that Mandira Bedi LURED indian women into watching World Cup Cricket. Holy Crap! Its the contrary, you fools. The few women in India who used to watch cricket stopped watching the game thanks to this lady.
Do I need to tell the reasons? Let me list a few...(the list is actually endless)
1. Her so called Noodle Strap blouses revealed almost everything which lured both the Old and Young Men alike. So women who used to watch cricket until then, while watching the Extra Innings aired between World Cup matches with family, friends and colleagues wriggled, felt uncomfortable and left the room in haste muttering "Arey saalee, is kambakth kee vajay se, mujhe yeh match miss karna padrahaa hai"(I am missing the match thanks to this bitch)
2. She did not know a damn thing about cricket. I remember her babblings about the Mid-On, Mid-Off, Gully...Ellaam Crap!
3. Krish Srikanth who used to get out soon in his heydays just to have a fag sacrificed his fag time just to stare at her!
The media might argue that the TRP ratings went high thanks to the increased no of women watching the game...Holy Cow...TRP ratings went high as the lot who were used to watching Midnight Masala started watching Extra Innings for a change...
God knows, what she gonna attire herself in for the Champions Trophy...Noodle Strap or Noodleless Strap Blouses!